April 13, 2018

Day 148 - A Course in Miracles

Day 148 - A Course in Miracles

Day 148
The Lord is with you, yet but you know it not. Yet your Redeemer liveth, and abideth in you in the peace out of which He was created. Would you not exchange THIS awareness for the awareness of your fear? When we have OVERCOME fear, not by hiding it, not by minimizing it, not by denying its full import in ANY way, THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL REALLY SEE. You cannot lay aside the obstacle to real vision without looking upon it, for to lay aside means to judge AGAINST. If YOU will look, the Holy Spirit will judge, AND WILL JUDGE TRULY. He cannot shine away what YOU keep hidden, for you have not offered it TO Him, and He CANNOT take it FROM you.

Day 147 - A Course in Miracles

Day 147 - A Course in Miracles

Day 147
Perceive in sickness but another call for love, and offer your brother what he believes he cannot offer HIMSELF. Whatever the sickness, there is but one remedy. You will be made whole as you MAKE whole, for to perceive in sickness the appeal for health, is to recognize in hatred the call for love. And to give a brother what he REALLY wants, is to offer it unto yourself. For your Father wills you to know your brother AS yourself. Answer HIS call for love, and YOURS is answered. Healing is the love of Christ for His Father, and for HIMSELF.

Day 146 - A Course in Miracles

Day 146 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Thirteen: From Perception to Knowledge

VI. The Testimony of Miracles

47 Yes, you are blessed indeed. Yet in this world, you do not know it. But you have the means for learning it and seeing it quite clearly. The Holy Spirit uses logic as easily and as well, as does the ego, except that His conclusions are not insane. They take a direction exactly opposite, pointing as clearly to Heaven as the ego points to darkness and to death. We have followed much of the ego's logic and have seen its logical conclusions. And having seen them, we have realized that they cannot be seen but in illusions, for there alone their seeming clearness seems to be clearly seen. Let us now turn away from them and follow the simple logic by which the Holy Spirit teaches you the simple conclusions that speak for truth and only truth.

Day 145 - A Course in Miracles

Day 145 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Thirteen: From Perception to Knowledge

V. The Guarantee of Heaven

37 When we are all united in Heaven, you will value nothing that you value here. For nothing that you value here you value wholly, and so you do not value it at all. Value is where God placed it, and the value of what God esteems cannot be judged, for it has been established. It is wholly of value. It can merely be appreciated or not. To value it partially is not to know its value. In Heaven is everything God valued and nothing else. Heaven is perfectly unambiguous. Everything is clear and bright and calls forth one response. There is no darkness, and there is no contrast. There is no variation. There is no interruption. There is a sense of peace so deep that no dream in this world has ever brought even a dim imagining of what it is.

Day 144 - A Course in Miracles

Day 144 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Thirteen: From Perception to Knowledge

IV. Release and Restoration

20 You are accustomed to the notion that the mind can see the source of pain where it is not. The doubtful service of displacement is to hide the real source of your guilt and keep from your awareness the full perceptionthat it is insane. Displacement always is maintained by the illusion that the source, from which attention is diverted, must be true and must be fearful, or you would not have displaced the guilt onto what you believed to be lessfearful. You are therefore willing with little opposition to look upon all sorts of "sources" underneath awareness, provided that they are not the deeper source to which they bear no real relationship at all.

Day 143 - A Course in Miracles

Day 143 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Thirteen: From Perception to Knowledge

III. The Shadow of Guilt

11 Guilt remains the only thing that hides the Father, for guilt is the attack upon His Son. The guilty always condemn, and having done so, they will condemn, linking the future to the past as is the ego's law. Fidelity unto this law lets no light in, for it demands fidelity to darkness and forbids awakening.

Day 142 - A Course in Miracles

Day 142 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Thirteen: From Perception to Knowledge

II. The Role of Healing

3 Perfect perception, then, has many elements in common with knowledge, making transfer to it possible. Yet the last step must be taken by God because the last step in your redemption, which seems to be in the future, was accomplished by God in your creation. The separation has not interrupted it. Creation cannot be interrupted. The separation is merely a faulty formulation of reality with no effect at all. The miracle, without a function in Heaven, isneedful here. Aspects of reality can still be seen, and they will replace aspects of unreality. Aspects of reality can be seen in everything and everywhere. Yet only God can gather them together by crowning them as one with the final gift of eternity.

Day 141 - A Course in Miracles

Day 141 - A Course in Miracles

Day 141
Would YOU remember the Father? Accept His Son and you WILL remember Him. Nothing can demonstrate that His Son is unworthy, for nothing can prove that a lie is true. What you see of His Son through the eyes of the ego is a demonstration that His Son does not exist, yet where the Son is, the Father MUST be. Accept what God does NOT deny, and HE will demonstrate its truth. The witnesses for God stand in His Light and behold what HE created. Their silence is the sign that they have beheld God’s Son, and in the Presence of Christ, THEY need demonstrate nothing, for Christ speaks to them of Himself and of His Father. They are silent because Christ speaks to them, and it is His words that THEY speak.

Day 140 - A Course in Miracles

Day 140 - A Course in Miracles

Day 140
The ego can and does allow you to regard yourself as supercilious, unbelieving, “light-hearted”, distant, emotionally shallow, callous, uninvolved, and even desperate, BUT NOT REALLY AFRAID. MINIMIZING fear, but NOT its undoing, is the ego’s constant effort, and is indeed the skill at in which it is VERY ingenious. How can it preach separation WITHOUT upholding it through fear, and would you listen to it, if you recognized this IS what it is doing?

April 12, 2018

Day 139 - A Course in Miracles

Day 139 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

VII. Attainment of the Real World

58 Sit quietly and look upon the world you see, and tell yourself,

59 The real world is not like this. It has no buildings, and
there are no streets where people walk alone and separate.
There are no stores where people buy an endless list of
things they do not need. It is not lit with artificial light,
and night comes not upon it. There is no day that brightens
and grows dim. There is no loss. Nothing is there but shines,
and shines forever.

Day 138 - A Course in Miracles

Day 138 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

VI. Finding the Present

45 To perceive truly is to be aware of all reality through the awareness of your own. But for this no illusions can rise to meet your sight, for all reality leaves no room for any error. This means that you perceive a brother only as you see him now. His past has no reality in the present, and you cannot see it. Your past reactions to him are alsonot there, and if it is to them that you react now, you see but an image of him which you made and cherish insteadof him. In your questioning of illusions, ask yourself if it is really sane to perceive what was now. If you remember the past as you look upon your brother, you will be unable to perceive the reality that is now.

Day 137 - A Course in Miracles

Day 137 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

V. The Two Emotions

33 We have said that you have but two emotions, love and fear. One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal. In this exchange it is extended, for it increases as it is given. The other has many forms, for the content of individual illusions differs greatly. Yet they have one thing in common—they are all insane. They are made of sights which are not seen and sounds which are not heard. They make up a private world which cannot be shared. For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all. In this world their maker moves alone, for only he perceives them.

Day 136 - A Course in Miracles

Day 136 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

IV. Healing and Time

23 And now the reason why you are afraid of this course should be apparent. For this is a course on love because it is about you. You have been told that your function in this world is healing, and your function in Heaven is creating. The ego teaches that your function on earth is destruction and that you have no function at all in Heaven. It would thus destroy you here and bury you here, leaving you no inheritance except the dust out of which it thinks you were made. As long as it is reasonably satisfied with you, as its reasoning goes, it offers you oblivion. When it becomes overtly savage, it offers you hell.

April 11, 2018

Day 135 - A Course in Miracles

Day 135 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

III. The Fear of Redemption

10 You may wonder why it is so crucial that you look upon your hatred and realize its full extent. You may also think that it would be easy enough for the Holy Spirit to show it to you and dispel it, without the need for you to raise it to awareness yourself. Yet there is one more complication which you have interposed between yourself and the Atonement, which you do not yet realize. We have said that no one will countenance fear if he recognizes it. Yet in your disordered state, you are not afraid of fear. You do not like it, but it is not your desire to attack which reallyfrightens you. You are not seriously disturbed by your hostility. You keep it hidden because you are more afraid of what it covers.

Day 134 - A Course in Miracles

Day 134 - A Course in Miracles

Day 134
If God knows His children as wholly sinless, it is blasphemous to perceive them as guilty and experience guilt yourself. If God knows His children as wholly without pain, it is blasphemous to perceive suffering anywhere. If God knows his children to be wholly joyous, it is blasphemous to feel depressed. All these illusions, and the many other forms which blasphemy may take, are REFUSALS TO ACCEPT CREATION AS IT IS. If God created His Son perfect, that is how you must learn to see him, to learn of his reality. And as part of the Sonship, THAT IS HOW YOU MUST SEE YOURSELF TO LEARN YOURS.

Day 133 - A Course in Miracles

Day 133 - A Course in Miracles

Day 133
Sickness and death entered the mind of God’s Son against His Will. The “attack on God” made His Son think he was fatherless, and out of his depression he made the god of depression.

Day 132 - A Course in Miracles

Day 132 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twelve: The Problem of Guilt

II. Crucifixion By Guilt

3 The darkest of your hidden cornerstones holds your belief in guilt from your awareness. For in that dark and secret place is the realization that you have betrayed God's Son by condemning him to death. You do not even suspect this murderous but insane idea lies hidden there, for the ego's destructive urge is so intense that nothing short of the crucifixion of God's Son can ultimately satisfy it. It does not know who the Son of God is because it is blind. Yet let it perceive guiltlessness anywhere, and it will try to destroy it because it is afraid.

Day 131 - A Course in Miracles

Day 131 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
X. Guiltlessness and Invulnerability

85 If you did not feel guilty, you could not attack, for condemnation is the root of attack. It is the judgment of one mind by another as unworthy of love and deserving of punishment. But herein lies the split. For the mind that judges perceives itself as separate from the mind being judged, believing that by punishing another, it will escape punishment. All this is but the delusional attempt of the mind to deny itself and escape the penalty of denial. It is not an attempt to relinquish denial but to hold on to it. For it is guilt that has obscured the Father to you, and it is guilt that has driven you insane.

April 09, 2018

Day 130 - A Course in Miracles

Day 130 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation

IX. Reality and Redemption

77 Do you really believe that you can kill the Son of God? The Father has hidden His Son safely within Himself and kept him far away from your destructive thoughts, but you know neither the Father nor the Son because of them. You attack the real world every day and every hour and every minute, and yet you are surprised that you cannot see it. If you seek love in order to attack it, you will never find it. For if love is sharing, how can you find it except through itself? Offer it and it will come to you because it is drawn to itself. But offer attack and it will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace.

Day 129 - A Course in Miracles

Day 129 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation

VIII. The Guide For Miracles

61 Miracles demonstrate that learning has occurred under the right guidance, for learning is invisible, and what has been learned can be recognized only by its results. Its generalization is demonstrated as you use it in more and more situations. You will recognize that you have learned there is no order of difficulty in miracles when you have applied them to all situations. There is no situation to which miracles do not apply, and by applying them to all situations, you will gain the real world. For in this holy perception, you will be made whole, and the Atonement will radiate from your acceptance of it for yourself to everyone the Holy Spirit sends you for your blessing. In every Child of God His blessing lies, and in your blessing of the Children of God is His blessing to you.

Day 128 - A Course in Miracles

Day 128 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation

VII. The Vision of Christ
53 The ego is trying to teach you how to gain the whole world and lose your own Soul. The Holy Spirit teaches that you cannot lose your Soul and there is no gain in the world, for of itself it profits nothing. To invest in something without profit is surely to impoverish yourself, and the overhead is high. Not only is there no profit in the investment, but the cost to you is enormous. For this investment costs you the world's reality by denying yours and gives you nothing in return. You cannot sell your Soul, but you can sell your awareness of it. You cannot perceive your Soul, but you will not know it while you perceive anything else as more valuable.

Day 127 - A Course in Miracles

Day 127 - A Course in Miracles

Grandeur versus Grandiosity

Grandeur is of God, and ONLY of Him. Therefore, it is in you. Whenever you become aware of it, however dimly, you abandon the ego automatically, because in the presence of the grandeur of God, the meaninglessness of the ego becomes perfectly apparent. Though it does not understand this, the ego believes that its “enemy” has struck, and attempts to offer gifts to induce you to return to its protection. SELF-inflation is the only offering it can make. The grandiosity of the ego is its alternative to the grandeur of God. Which will you choose?

Day 126 - A Course in Miracles

Day 126 - A Course in Miracles

Day 126
Salvation and God’s Will

God’s Will is your salvation. Would He not have given you the means to find it? If He wills you to HAVE it, He MUST have made it possible, and very easy to obtain it.

Day 125 - A Course in Miracles

Day 125 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
VI. The Sane Curriculum

43 Only love is strong because it is undivided. The strong do not attack because they see no need to do so. Before the idea of attack can enter your mind, you must have perceived yourself as weak. Because you had attacked yourself and believed that the attack was effective, you behold yourself as weakened. No longer perceiving yourself and all your brothers as equal and regarding yourself as weaker, you attempt to "equalize" the situation you have made. You use attack to do so because you believe that attack was successful in weakening you.

Day 124 - A Course in Miracles

Day 124 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
V. Seeking and Finding

36 The ego is certain that love is dangerous, and this is always its central teaching. It never puts it this way; on the contrary, everyone who believes that the ego is salvation is intensely engaged in the search for love. Yet the ego, though encouraging the search very actively, makes one proviso—do not find it. Its dictates, then, can be summed up simply as, "Seek and do not find." This is the one promise the ego holds out to you and the one promise it will keep. For the ego pursues its goal with fanatic insistence, and its reality testing, though severely impaired, is completely consistent.

Day 123 - A Course in Miracles

Day 123 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
IV. The Investment in Reality

24 I once asked if you were willing to sell all you have and give to the poor and follow me. This is what I meant: If you had no investment in anything in this world, you could teach the poor where their treasure is. The poor are merely those who have invested wrongly, and they are poor indeed! Because they are in need, it is given you to help them since you are among them. Consider how perfectly your lesson would be learned if you were unwilling to share their poverty. For poverty is lack, and there is but one lack since there is but one need.

Day 122 - A Course in Miracles

Day 122 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
III. The Mechanism of Miracles

11 Fear is a symptom of your deep sense of loss. If when you perceive it in others you learn to supply the loss, the basic cause of fear is removed. Thereby you teach yourself that fear does not exist in you, for you have in yourself the means for removing it and have demonstrated this by giving it. Fear and love are the only emotions of which you are capable. One is false, for it was made out of denial, and denial depends on the real belief in what is denied for its own existence.

Day 121 - A Course in Miracles

Day 121 - A Course in Miracles

Chapter Eleven: God's Plan For Salvation
II. The Judgment of the Holy Spirit

3 There is but one interpretation of all motivation that makes any sense. And because it is the Holy Spirit's judgment, it requires no effort at all on your part. Every loving thought is true. Everything else is an appeal for healing and help. That is what it is, regardless of the form it takes. Can anyone be justified in responding with anger to a plea for help? No response can be appropriate except the willingness to give it to him, for this and only this is what he is asking for. Offer him anything else, and you are assuming the right to attack his reality by interpreting it as you see fit.