March 09, 2018

Day 42 - A Course in Miracles

Day 42 - A Course in Miracles

Day 42

Special Principles for Miracle Workers

[FIP T-2.V.A.11 Special Principles for Miracle Workers]

1. The miracle abolishes the need for lower order concerns. Since it is an illogical, or out-of-pattern time interval, by definition, the ordinary considerations of time and space do not apply.
(For example,) I do NOT regard time as you and Bill do, and Kolb’s space problem is NOT mine. When YOU perform a miracle, I will arrange both time and space to adjust to it.

Day 41 - A Course in Miracles

Day 41 - A Course in Miracles

ACIM Workbook Lesson 41 Insights

“God goes with me wherever I go.”

The peace of God is within me, ready to be found in every instant. It is only my unwillingness to sink past all the images and appearances of the world that keeps me from knowing the peace of God in every moment. It is my belief in the reality of the appearances of the world that blocks my awareness of God’s peace in me.

March 08, 2018

Day 40 - A Course in Miracles

Day 40 - A Course in Miracles

ACIM Workbook Lesson 40 Insights

“I am blessed as a Son of God.”

Today’s lesson once more asks us to accept the truth about ourselves. In truth, everyone is blessed as a Son of God. In truth, everyone is an extension of God — an extension of God’s Love. Because we all are God’s Love, we bless and are blessed. Because we are God’s Love, we extend Love as God does. All are in holy union with God. We cannot be without Love’s blessing, because we all are Love. And Love, to be Love, extends Love. Love sees all as Itself. Love sees all is Itself.

Day 39 - A Course in Miracles

Day 39 - A Course in Miracles

Day 39

Mental retardation is a defense which, like the others EXCEPT the Atonement, can be used on behalf of error or truth, as elected. When it occurs in REALITY, it is a temporary device, agreed on beforehand, to check the miscreative abilities of strong but misdirected wills.

March 07, 2018

Day 38 - A Course in Miracles

Day 38 - A Course in Miracles

Day 38

[FIP T-2.VIII. The Meaning of the Last Judgment]

One of the chief ways in which man can correct his magic-miracle confusion is to remember that he did not create himself. He is apt to forget this when he becomes egocentric, and this places him in a position where belief in magic is virtually inevitable. His instincts for creation were given him by his own Creator, who was expressing the same instinct in His Creation. Since the creative ability rests solely in the mind, everything which man creates is necessarily instinctive.

Day 37 - A Course in Miracles

Day 37 - A Course in Miracles

Day 37

The Mastery of Love is the Correction of Error
It has already been said that man CANNOT control fear, because he himself created it. His belief in it renders it out of his control by definition. For this reason, any attempt to resolve the basic conflict through the concept of mastery of fear is meaningless. In fact, it asserts the power of fear by the simple assumption that it need be mastered at all.

Day 36 - A Course in Miracles

Day 36 - A Course in Miracles

Day 36

Everything that man creates has energy because, like the Creations of God, it comes FROM energy, and is endowed by its creator with the power to create. Miscreation is still a genuine creative act in terms of the underlying IMPULSE, but NOT in terms of the CONTENT of the creation. This, however, does not deprive the creation of its OWN creative power. It DOES, however, GUARANTEE that the power will be misused, or USED FEARFULLY.

March 06, 2018

Day 35 - A Course in Miracles

Day 35 - A Course in Miracles

Day 35

Basic Conflict Theory

It is time to consider the whole world of the unconscious, or unwatched mind. This will frighten you, because it is the source of fright. You may look at it as a new theory of basic conflict, if you wish, which will not be entirely an intellectual approach, because I doubt if the truth will escape you entirely.

Day 34 - A Course in Miracles

Day 34 - A Course in Miracles

Day 34

Very few people appreciate the real power of the mind. Nobody remains fully aware of it all the time. This is inevitable in this world, because the human being has many things he must do, and cannot engage in constant thought-watching. However, if he hopes to spare himself from fear, there are some things he must realize, and realize them fully, at least some of the time.

Day 33 - A Course in Miracles

Day 33 - A Course in Miracles

ACIM Workbook Lesson 33 Insights

“There is another way of looking at the world.”

More and more I am seeing the connections between these lessons. Most of the time when I look at the world, I am not aware of God being there. But an earlier lesson says that God is in everything I see. I must be missing something. There is another way of seeing the world. When I affirm this, I am cracking the door open to receive the vision of the Holy Spirit, which will show me Love in everything I see. So today’s lesson is another step in opening my mind to be taught by my Inner Teacher, the Holy Spirit.

Day 32 - A Course in Miracles

Day 32 - A Course in Miracles

Day 32

Corrective learning always begins with awakening the Spiritual Eye, and turning away from belief in physical sight. The reason this entails fear is because man is afraid of what his Spiritual Eye will see, which was why he closed it in the first place. We said before that the Spiritual Eye cannot see error, and is capable only of looking beyond it to the defense of Atonement. There is no doubt that the Spiritual Eye does produce extreme discomfort by what it sees. The thing that man forgets is that the discomfort is not the final outcome of its perception. When the Spiritual Eye is permitted to look upon the defilement of the altar, it also looks immediately toward Atonement. Nothing which the Spiritual Eye perceives can induce fear. Everything that results from accurate spiritual awareness merely is channelized toward correction. Discomfort is aroused only to bring the need to correct forcibly into awareness.

Day 31 - A Course in Miracles

Day 31 - A Course in Miracles

Day 31

It is essential that the remembrance of the fact that ONLY mind can create at all remain with you. Implicit in this is the corollary that correction belongs at the thought level, and NOT at either level to which creation is inapplicable. To repeat an earlier statement, and also to extend it somewhat, the Soul is already perfect, and therefore does not require correction. The body does not really exist, except as a learning device for the mind. This learning device is not subject to errors of its own, because it was created, but is NOT creating. It should be obvious, then, that correcting the creator (or inducing it to give up miscreation) is the only application of creation which is inherently meaningful at all.

March 04, 2018

Day 30 - A Course in Miracles

Day 30 - A Course in Miracles

Day 30

Healing as Release from Fear

The new emphasis will now be on healing. The miracle is the means, the Atonement the principle, and the healing is the result. Those who speak of “the miracle OF healing” are combining two orders of reality inappropriately. Healing is NOT a miracle. The Atonement, or the final miracle, is EXTREMELY useful. It is purely a means, while any type of healing is a result.

Day 29 - A Course in Miracles

Day 29 - A Course in Miracles

Day 29

[FIP T-2.III. The Altar of God]

The reinterpretation of defenses is essential to break open the INNER light. Since the Separation, man’s defenses have been used almost entirely to defend themselves AGAINST the Atonement, and thus maintain their separation. They generally see this as a need to protect the body from external intrusion (or intruding), and this kind of misperception is largely responsible for the homosexual fallacy, as well as your own pregnancy fears. The so-called “anal” behavior is a distorted attempt to “steal” the Atonement, and deny its worth by concealing it, and holding onto it in a bodily receptacle, which is regarded as particularly vicious. “Oral” fantasies are rather similar in purpose, except that they stem more from a sense of deprivation, and insatiable thirst which results. “Anal” fallacies are more of a refusal to give, while oral fantasies emphasize a distorted need to take. The main error in both is the belief that the body can be used as a means for attaining Atonement.

Day 28 - A Course in Miracles

Day 28 - A Course in Miracles

ACIM Workbook Lesson 28 Insights

“Above all else I want to see things differently.”

While growing up, I learned to give meaning to everything around me. I learned what everything is for. I am now learning to step back from my past, to let go of the past. I am now learning to have an open mind about what anything is or what it is for. I am learning to let go of my automatic responses and open to a new meaning given me by the Holy Spirit.

Day 27 - A Course in Miracles

Day 27 - A Course in Miracles

Day 27
Means and Ends

So far we have concentrated on ends rather than means because unless you regard an end as worth achieving, you will not devote yourself to the means by which it can BE achieved. Your own question enabled me to shift the emphasis from end to means. (Question asked was “how can we incorporate this material?”) You and Bill HAVE accepted the end as valuable, thus signifying your willingness to use defenses to ensure it.

The means are easier to clarify after the true worth of the goal itself is firmly established.